sniper's campervan

about us

autistic bushman killer who throws piss at people and his antisocial dipshit boyfriend

anniversary date: 19th of January (2024)

how did it start?

The way i fell in love with him is actually kind of hilarious.

Thing is, when i first laid my eyes upon him, I was like, 13. And discovered sexuality. I'll spare you the details, but points is, he was not only somewhat of a queer awakening for me, but also made me realise I was not cis.
I found a male!reader x Sniper fic, read it, and realised that being male just felt more right. Even if i don't identify as fully male now, the sheer investment Sniper did without being fuckin' real was, in fact, unreal. So i have him to thank for that.

Besides that, i think out of all early crushes, he was the one i GENUINELY crushed on. The rest were my attempts to force myself to feel what teens at that age feel, I think. But with him, I felt genuine attraction. He was seriously the hottest man I ever knew. I still stand by that. He's still the hottest man I know.

Even if with time that kinda faded as I got more different crushes, I had Sniper come back to my head sometimes, just due to me being exposed to TF2 here and there. Sometimes I would get a TF2 freaks fix, and boom, a crush on bloody Christian Brutal Sniper. Fast forward more, and I realise... that the man I crushed on all these years ago for carnal reasons, is genuinely someone I still love. I rediscovered my crush on him and was welcomed to a realisation about how much I bloody love him and need him in my life. I literally can't live without him, I think. I love him so, so fucking much.

Even if it took me time to realise, I am seriously convinced he's the one for me. Forever and ever.

how's it going?

Time's going so fast for us. It's kinda nuts how long it's been already. Especially ever since I went monogamous and dedicated all of me to him, I've been thinking about him a lot more. All the time basically. It feels so good to genuinely love someone again. I worried I wouldn't be able to have this ever again, but... he's right there, for me. Always. No matter what anyone says or claims.

The canon will never ruin him. Nothing will ever change him. As time goes on, our relationship and personalities develop more and more, blooming in each other's presence. He had long since stopped being just a fictional character, just a cool dude, just a hottie... He's my goddamn partner, boyfriend, lover, everything, the entire fucking world.

I'm the only one who gets him, and he is the only one who gets me. Alienated and lost from the universe, two wanderers cross paths, finding each other to form one.

Fuck 'em all, we got each other. Forever and ever.

what is the relationship like?

Unlike so, so many other F/Os I had before... Mundy is the only one who gave me what I truly needed. The feeling of... equality. With him I feel like I don't have to be cool, or put on an act, or act like a bootlicker. I have a long history of loving unstable power dynamics, but Sniper... He gave me equality. And as someone who's in my early 20s, my needs change as I age. That's when I'm realising what I truly wanted and needed is equality.

With him, I can actually be genuine. Silly. Stupid. I feel myself coming back to an easier, simpler time around him. I only ever feel like this around my Gods. So stripped down to my very core, what's beyond the mortal shell and what I really am inside, behind the broken, fortified husk. A simple man... looking so deep inside of me. That is exhilirating.

He helps me ground myself since he's so down-to-Earth, and helps me remember I should sometimes get my head out of the clouds. Funny, considering he's the one yapping about how he's the best sniper there is (and he's right) XD. Hey, that shows me the road to perfection doesn't have to end in me selling my soul.

I done said a lotta things in my day, I admit it
This is payback in a way, I regret it that I did it
I done won a couple Grammys, but I sold my soul to get 'em
Wasn't in it for the trophies, just the fuckin' recognition

[ Eminem - Lucky You (ft. Joyner Lucas) ]

Sometimes the best men only need one thing: someone simple.