nikto's tent

about me

Always on the grind, yeah, you know me.

This page is heavily inspired by other shrines on
This is a long story, so grab some coffee and enjoy the ride.

basic information

I go by Nikto or Mikhail (Misha). I also respond to Rascal and kin names.
I'm 21 years old, born on Sep 22, 2003. Creature aligning with masculinity. He/it.
Dyslexic and antisocial. I don't need tone tags but I use them.
I am fictionkin and otherkin. My kinlist is here.
ESTJ ; 1w9 sx/so ; 1w9-3w4-5w6 ; Sanguine-Choleric ; Lawful Neutral.
Hellenist, heathen. Worshipping Zeus, Ares, Tyche, Hermes, Odin and Thor.
I work customer support for a living and take comms on the side.
I'm obsessed with music and I make some music myself (primarily dark ambient).
I also draw, and write fanfiction and original stories, focused on extreme violence.
I'm a violent person who aims to use my anger to get ahead in life.
Being the best of the best is the only thing I care about.
« I never ask my clients to judge me on my winners. I ask them to judge me on my losers because I have so few. » — Jordan Belfort


Call of Duty. Team Fortress 2. Moral Orel. Punch-Out!!. League of Legends. JJK.
Drawing. Writing. Fanfiction. Speedrunning. Videogames.
Metal. Industrial. Dark ambient. Psytrance. Game OSTs. Rap, hiphop.
If I had to pick a favourite band, I'd go with Krovostok, KMFDM or Zeal & Ardor.

fictolove history

It's difficult to say who my first fictional crush really was. It happened at around 11-13 years of age. I think it was either Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass), Wilson (Don't Starve), Loki (MCU) or, well, believe it or not, Sniper (TF2), the very guy this shrine is about.
In 2019 I had joined r/waifuism for fun reasons, I was 15 at the time. I just liked doing whatever I could get my hands on. At the time I briefly picked Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) as a partner before realising I genuinely have someone I love on my mind. My first real fictional lover was Twisted Fate (a.k.a. Tobias Felix) from League of Legends, with who I was on-and-off across the many years, including 2024. And it was in 2024 when I had finally decided this relationship isn't going to go anywhere, breaking off with him for good due to lore reasons (he was, simply put, character-assassinated).

Across those years I had a ton of various ficto partners, primarily being polyamorous for most of my time in the community.
I also drifted quite the few communities, mostly spending my time on Nonhuman Fictolove and eventually becoming a moderator here. Beyond that, I was and am active on r/waifuism, r/fictolove, r/fictosexual, r/fictocrushing, Nonhuman Fictolove, Non-Anime Fictolove (moderator), Fiction Empire (owner) and Villain Lovers (co-owner). Was on husbando server & r/w server at one point.
You may have met me with one of those folks (list not full & not in order):

At the end of it all, I returned to the very beginning, realising that one particular man I always liked, is truly the one for me.
That is when I realised that after 7 years... I still love The Sniper. And I hope for it to last 'til the day I fuckin' die!