sniper's campervan

about sniper

Sniping's a good job, mate!

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Full name: Mick Mundy ; Mun-dee ; Mr. Mundy
Age: 26 (Gravel War; main TF2 setting) ; 29 (comics setting)
Height: Roughly 6'0
Nationality: Australian
Birthplace: New Zealand
Occupation: Mercenary


Born in the deep-underwater lands of New Zealand, raised in rough hot Australian outback, Sniper's been forged by nothing but complete solitude and the scorching sun. With many years spent hunting dangerous game alone in a land full of people who know nothing of brains and all of the brawn, Sniper learned one valuable lesson: You don't have to rely on other people if you never miss.

Sniper's birth name, given to him by his Kiwi parents, is Mun-dee, but in recent years he's been going moreso, besides his class name, by Mr. Mundy.
There is dubious canon on his first name, said to be Mick on his action figure, however was never confirmed since then.

His presumed birth year is 1942, which would make him 26 year old by the time of Gravel War (TF2's main setting), and 29 by the time of post-Robot War (comics setting).
His birthday was never revealed, however, I headcanon it to be January 20th («Meet the Sniper» release date).

As his class name makes obvious, Mundy is most known for his apt ability of shooting people from long range with a sniper rifle. After what is most likely nearly a decade of hunting, his skill became so well-trained, that he was simply considered to be the best sniper there is, which is a huge point of pride for him. He tends to overidentify with his skill and brag about it, but, let's be honest, he has every right to. Because he is the best there is.
But beyond just his sniping, he's a man of many more talents than that.

I'm tone-deaf /ref

That's right, Sniper is someone who can play not just one complex instrument, but two.
Canonically, Mundy can play the alto saxophone, which is reiterated in Killer Solo taunt. Besides that, he is shown playing the didgeridoo in Didgeridrongo taunt.

Hear the sax in this? That's ma boi.

Which is kind of crazy to think about, because it's not something he brings up ever. He's most focused on his skill as a sniper.


He can also use a bow. Notoriously so. Notorious for having bullshit hitboxes in-game because of how projectiles are coded, that is.
And also making a momentary appearance in the Halloween comic.

(Good as an excuse as any to plug a Fatmagic vid.)

I don't really know where he learned to use a bow and how, but I guess he's just the kind of guy to calmly apply himself to any hobby and proceed to absolutely master it.

His talents aside, let's actually talk about Mundy as a person, shall we?

the man behind the sunglasses

A dork. A complete moron, really. But a lovable one at that.
Despite being a professional assassin, he's a dumbass with a flair for the dramatic. And people keep ruining his moment!

That aside, he literally kills people in cold blood, and all he's got to say about it is how good he is at shooting people.

If you heard anything about Sniper, you're familiar his most known phrase: «Professionals have standards. Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill everybody you meet.»
"But Mikhail," I hear you saying, "This guy not only swears the most out of all mercenaries, he's also possibly the most toxic and mean person ever!"
To that I say, bloody hell, you're right. He also holds the title of having the most offensive voiceline in the game, saying what is the equivalent of an F-slur in German and Russian voiceovers (all because he calls Spy a nance...).

Every merc insults each other upon killing, dominating and enacting revenge upon others. But Sniper is the only mercenary to have class-specific revenge lines.
So how is this chill dude, who claims to be a professional and allegedly upholds the standards of being polite, well, like that?
And... I don't really have an answer that excuses him. I do have an explanation. Or two.

Possible explanation 1: Snipers in videogames are archetypally toxic. It's a funny jab at Sniper players themselves, not necessarily a characteristic of Mundy.
Possible explanation 2: Same reason why people are toxic in videogames, he is extremely passionate about his skill and it's the only thing that can get him riled up.

Both may be true at the same time, and is what I personally believe.

Listen, mate, as a Russian saying goes, "v tihom omute cherti vodyatsya", which basically means still waters run deep. Let a man be passionate about blowing people's brains out!

random trivia (with sources!) rapidfire